CFP: EEGA Annual Conference 2023 – „Beyond the collapse: Globalization projects in Eastern Europe before and after 2022“

Annual Conference of the Leibniz ScienceCampus „EasternEurope – Global Area“ (EEGA), Funding Phase 2020 – 2024
in cooperation with ReCentGlobe at Leipzig University
15 – 17 May 2023
University of Leipzig, Germany


EEGA Annual Conference 2023 – „Beyond the collapse: Globalization projects in Eastern Europe before and after 2022“

Against the backdrop of recent developments in the region, this years’ EEGA Annual conference is asking „How do Eastern European actors respond to the new global challenges? How do they reconfigure their globalization projects?“. The in-person event will take place in cooperation with EEGA’s main partner, the Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe) at Leipzig University, in Leipzig, city of EEGA’s headquarters.
At the two-day congress, scholars from all over the world will present their research on globalization projects in and from Eastern Europe in both panel sessions and round table discussions.
We invite for proposals from the fields of geography, history, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, global and transregional studies, as well as neighboring disciplines.
Please submit your proposals (up to 500 words) including your name, institutional affiliation and e-mail address by 11 April, 2023 to

The call for contributions closes on April 11, 2023


MORE INFO: EEGA_Annual Conference_2023_Call for Contributions (1)

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