Clash of hegemonies: Vietnam’s 2010-2019 protest decade  

Centrum strategických regionů zve na přednášku:

Clash of hegemonies: Vietnam’s 2010-2019 protest decade  

Vietnam should be an unlikely place for street protests to happen, due to the government’s restrictions on the right to peaceful assembly and a lack of protest culture. However, 2010-2019 saw an unprecedented eruption of street protests in all northern, central, and southern parts of the country. How do ordinary people overcome their fear of prosecution to participate in protests against an authoritarian regime? How does the idea of citizens taking to the street to express their criticism of the government’s authoritarian practices become normative? In this lecture, I present some preliminary findings of my PhD research that follows Antonio Gramsci’s theory of cultural hegemony, to deal with these questions. This research is part of the Political Concepts in the World project, funded by a Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant. 

Suggested reading:    

Femia, J. V. (1981). The Concept of Hegemony. In Gramsci’s political thought. Hegemony, consciousness, and the revolutionary process (pp. 23–60). Clarendon Press. 

Pondělí 25. 4. 2022, 18:00

Celetná 20, č. 117 (Mezinárodní sinologické centrum)

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