Součástí projektu KREAS
Ústav východoevropských studií FF UK a Katedra historických věd FHS UK uspořádají 10-11. 2021 společně doktorandskou konferenci s názvem „MEMORY IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE: PAST TRAUMAS, PRESENT CHALLENGES, FUTURE HORIZONS“.
Abstrakty v rozsahu 200 slov zasílejte na cuni.conference.tilda.ws or via email cuni.conference2021@gmail.com.
(informace v angličtině:)
The conference focuses on a number of issues related to history, memory, media,policy and their future development in Eastern and Central Europe. The conferenceis intended for MA and PhD students who are engaged in studies of history,memory, sociology, anthropology, law, political science, literature, gender, area andother studies.
Theory and methodology of memory studies
Memory and historical policy from confrontation to collaboration
Memory as a soft-power
Memory and media
Transformation of memory in public places
Commemorative practices
Memory and minorities
Art memory