CEFRES zve na přednášku na téma migrace

Institut CEFRES zve na přednášku s názvem “How to Address the Loss – Forced Migrations, Lost Territories and the Politics of History. A Comparative Approach in Europe and at its Margins in the XXth Century“

We are pleased to invite you to our next webinar on the book „How to Address the Loss –Forced Migrations, Lost Territories and the Politics of History. A Comparative Approach in Europe and at its Margins in the XXth Century”, on February 2, 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.


The map of Europe has been redrawn several times during the XXth century, in peaceful or violent ways, and the shifting of borders has often been associated with forced migrations. But despite the fact that this has been the fate of millions of Europeans, the memory of it has so far received little attention beyond national borders. This book examines how hosting states and societies, as well as groups that were forced to leave, deal with the memory of the loss in the long term. It explores the politics of history and the conflicting interpretations of the loss associated with forced migrations.
This Tandem Webinar is organized by Michèle Baussant (CEFRES, CNRS), with the collaboration of Maria Kokkinou (CEFRES / Charles University) and Johana Wyss (Czech Academy of Sciences / CEFRES) and led by Florence Vychytil-Baudoux, associated membre of CEFRES and doctoral student at EHESS Paris.


  • Anne Bazin (Sciences po/Ceraps), Lille
  • Catherine Perron (CERI, Sciences po), Paris
  • Catherine Klein Gousseff (CERCEC, CNRS), Paris

Katja Hrobat Virloget (University of Primorska), Koper

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