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The effect of the substitutive historical analogy in pro-Kremlin military propaganda: 2014–2023

13. 12. 2023 @ 17:30 - 19:00

Centrum strategických regionů a Ústav východoevropských studií

s podporou Nadace Sekyra Foundation


zvou na veřejnou přednášku


prof. Alexeje Kamenskicha


The effect of the substitutive historical analogy in pro-Kremlin military propaganda: 2014–2023


  1. prosince 2023, 17:30-19:00 hod., místnost 301 (Hlavní budova FF UK, nám. Jana Palacha 2)


Přednáška a diskuse bude probíhat v anglickém jazyce


Since the very beginning of Russian aggression against Ukraine in early spring 2014 the space of Russian official media discourse turned to be flooded with terms and images strange for the 21st century: these were “fascists”, “Einsatzgruppen”, “Bandera’s men”, who allegedly acted in Ukraine under the control of the “American puppeteers” attacking the Ukrainians who sought to maintain their loyalty to the “Russian world”. We can conceptualise this manipulative strategy as the effect of the substitutive historical analogy which is produced by using the language and imagery of the past (the “Great Patriotic war”, the Cold war, or those typical for the pre-revolutionary imperial Russia) for description of the current events.

In the lecture by dr. Aleksei Kamenskikh, a special Hans Koschnik scholar at the Research Centre for East European Studies (University of Bremen), this effect of substitutive historical analogy will be analysed as one of the main tools that ensured the effectiveness of pro-Kremlin military propaganda and prepared the mass opinion in Russia to the full-scale invasion.


13. 12. 2023
17:30 - 19:00
