Call for Registrations: Spring School „Imagining citizenship at European peripheries“

We kindly invite you, and specifically your MA and PhD students in European and Global Studies, European Integration History, Political Science, Sociology, and related disciplines, to the first spring school of the Leipzig Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence organized in cooperation with the Leibniz ScienceCampus „Eastern Europe – Global Area“ (EEGA).The spring school takes place on 3 March  2022 in Leipzig/online. It is organised by Gert Pickel and Steffi Marung (both Leipzig University / EEGA RAC).

The event focusses on methodological approaches for how to translate key concepts in European Studies into empirical research: (EU-)citizenship and EUropean peripheries. This conceptual pair is at the centre of academic as well as political debates, both terms remain highly contested: What does citizenship mean in relation to different territorial contexts? Which effects do territorial and geographical positionalities have on the perceptions and imaginations of citizenship in EUrope? Which role do e.g. centre/periphery, rural/ urban divides play for how people articulate a sense of community, how they relate to Europe and the EU, how they perceive their positions in a political and cultural space which has historically been shifting? And most importantly: How can researchers in the social sciences and humanities empirically grasp these imaginations and contestations? Which potentials do their methodologies provide, which obstacles and pitfalls do they have to deal with?In five 60min workshops researchers of the centre present their methods and findings for debate and work with participants on selected material. Working languages are both English and German. A detailed program can be found here:

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