Founding conference of the Institute for the Study of Strategic Regions

KDY:      7.12.2017 @ 8:31 – 9.12.2017 @ 9:31
KDE:      Filozofická fakulta
nám. Jana Palacha 1/2
116 38 Praha-Staré Město

The aim of this founding conference of the Institue for the Study of Strategic Regions is to gather and confront different approaches to research on broadly understood concept of a “region” and demonstrate its potential for our understanding of contemporary world in its historical, cultural and geopolitical terms. An important part of the discussion will also comprise different approaches to terminology and methodology outside the boundary of “regional” and “area” studies as they have been commonly practiced until now, and considerations of efficient transdisciplinary collaboration between social sciences and humanities.

The Institute for the Study of Strategic Regions (ISSR) was created in 2016 by the provision of the President of Charles University No. 11/2016 ( The aim of this platform is to stimulate research across Charles University of areas currently understood as of strategic importance, to overcome the still prevailing fragmentation of academic potential at Charles University, and to strengthen international collaboration.

The event will take place at the Faculty of Arts, Nam. Jana Palacha 2, Praha 1 & Oettingen Palace, Josefska 2, Praha 1.