Oxford School of Global and Area Studies (OSGA)
Doctoral seminars are offered on regular basis which students from CUFA may attend
Leibnitz Science Campus Eastern Europe – Global Area (EEGA)
on regular basis, the following grants and scholarships are available
- research scholarship
- post-doc stay
- workshops and special courses
Aliance 4EU+
International research group on strategic regions
An international working group, in which representatives of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Oxford University, the University of Leipzig and the University of Warsaw are represented, is preparing to create a European network of workplaces that will jointly organize master’s and doctoral workshops and allow regular internships for doctoral students. The working group was established within the implementation of the KREAS project supported by the OP RDE (CZ.02.1.01 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 16_019 / 0000734).