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Listening and Speaking Thai

7. 10. 2021 @ 9:10 - 10:40

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Akce každý 1. týden, která začíná v Čtvrtek v 9:10 hodin a opakuje se do 6. 1. 2022

Listening and Speaking Thai I  ATJ100220

This course is aimed at a wide range of students with a general interest in spoken Thai and also in culture. The course focuses on speaking and listening skills for communicative purposes, on the topics that students always encounter such as greetings, a self-introduction, asking and telling personal preference, asking price, asking the ways,. ect.

Grammatical structures as well as vocabulary knowledge, sentence building are given and practiced in the classroom.

Beyond language acquisition, cultural awareness, social values, Thai-ness, beliefs, ect. are also introduced in both verbal and non-verbal communication.

Čtvrtek 9.10 – 10.45,  103/C, Pattarawan Youyen (externí lektorka katedry sinologie)

Výuka podpořil Centralizovaný rozvojový projekt MŠMT „Výuka v tzv. malých, strategicky a geopoliticky významných studijních programech/oborech“


7. 10. 2021
9:10 - 10:40
